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Hiring Advice Attracting candidates What Are Effective Recruitment Strategies? We Share Some Of Them With You Now!
What Are Effective Recruitment Strategies? We Share Some Of Them With You Now!

What Are Effective Recruitment Strategies? We Share Some Of Them With You Now!

There is no secret formula for getting the right talent, but there is such a thing as effective recruitment strategies. It all depends on what your needs are, what you are looking for in a team member, and the extent you wish to invest in that said person.  

But before we get to that, we take a look at the employment trends that define the market today. 

Future of Recruitment: What does the Philippine job market look like today?

The Philippine Star details the easing of the unemployment rate in the country. The Philippine Statistics Authority reports that the rate is now 4.2% versus 4.4%. In addition to that, the labor participation rate is also at 67.5% versus 64.2%. This means that there is a positive trajectory and hope in the demand for job recruitment.

Also read: 10 Ways to Motivate Employees Aside From A Salary Raise

In addition, Our Future of Recruitment report shares insights about what employee preferences are, as well as how important the hiring process is. While we have an initial sense of what we can look forward to for our future employees, it helps to learn what the trends are right now, especially if you are looking to hire superstars for the team (or at least how to attract millennial talent!):

Our report shares three important facts, and they are the following:

  • A very active job market Good news! The Philippines has one of the most active job markets in the world, even more active than their global counterparts. Globally, the erraticness of the economy may pose a threat, but the demand still remains unaffected despite that. Eighty-seven percent of Filipino professionals have been approached for job offers multiple times throughout the year, with 13% being approached rarely or not at all. Aside from that, professionals now feel like they have the upper hand in terms of negotiation for what they deserve. 

  • An employee’s changing needs Even with the urge to return to offices and onsite work, jobseekers are looking for opportunities that are fully remote. Twenty-eight percent of professionals prefer not to return to the office, the reasons of which vary. Other qualities that they look for in a job include a great work-life balance, career development plans, and good benefits. On a global scale, 69% prefer a stable job with good work-life balance, because most professionals live to work, instead of the other way around. Salary is also important as well as paid time off and security at work. Lastly, professionals want a 5-day workweek model with a two-day weekend. 

  • A good recruitment experience is key Employers often forget that the beginning of an employee experience is the recruitment process. In cases where the process was less than favorable, employees usually refrain from proceeding to the next step. Take note – there is no need to pull out the bells and whistles, there is a need to care for your employee while at it. Fifty-two percent of respondents share that they turn away from a good job offer because of the negative recruitment experience that came with it. They also include that hearing about the job on social media is key, as well as recommendations from friends who have previously worked in the company or at least heard some good things. 

How to recruit talent? Myths on the recruitment process, plus tips to improve

Now that we have convinced you of the importance of good recruitment procedures, here are some myths that we should debunk and the ways you can turn things around when it comes to this. Ultimately, the landscape of recruitment always changes, but it is also nice to see these things through when we want to change something up.

  • “Ghosting a candidate is enough to let them know they did not get the job.”  This is, by far, one of the top complaints candidates make. The term “ghosting” is a casual term coined in the dating scene. Much like its counterpart in failed romance, this refers to the immediate severance of ties between you and the other party without any notification, whatsoever. In the case of job searching, ghosting in this sense is not informing the candidate that they got rejected for the offer. This can also make or break the experience of said candidate and may discourage them from pursuing any opportunities with you in the future. Bust the myth: During your next interview with a candidate, provide a specific date or period that pertains to the update on employment status. This can help ease the candidate’s worries about a triumph or rejection, and can also let the candidate follow up if needed. After all, it does not take 10 minutes to share with the candidate if they got the job or not. They can also move forward with other opportunities, if necessary. 

  • “Candidates should just say yes to the offer at face value.” The offer, in question, is the package that you will offer to the candidate during the negotiation process. There, the important points are detailed: salary, benefits, vacation and sick leaves, and other non-monetary perks. Some employers expect that the professionals they offer will give everything a mere thumbs-up and move forward with the onboarding process. But au contraire. Negotiation is the backbone of the industry and of any relationship between employer and employee. It is a transferable skill in itself, something that we all need to master and apply at some point in our lives. So if your candidate is negotiating, they are highly interested and are willing to see how much you will invest in them as they will invest in you. Bust the myth: If the salary can no longer be negotiated, see where else you can increase the total offer value. It could be in the vacation leaves, the sick leaves, or toss in another perk that they can utilize for a specific job. Take every negotiation experience as an opportunity to learn about the industry benchmark and the way candidates like themselves operate in today’s working world. 

  • “The best talent can be found outside your company doors.” The perspective behind this is that we all want to have a fresh set of eyes for a certain project. This is why we turn to outsource or freelance professionals who become third parties with unbiased opinions about a certain project or task. But have you ever heard of hiring internally? Believe it or not, internal hires cost less than external hires. Aside from merely upgrading their perks and salaries, you will spend less on training and decrease turnovers in the long run. As mentioned in our Future of Recruitment report, professionals are in search of jobs that provide career development plans, and that includes recognizing talent where due. Bust the myth: Prioritize opportunities internally. Post on your company job boards, the bulletin board outside your office, or share an email about the positions that need to be filled. View recruitment from an inside to an outside perspective. If you have exhausted all internal chances, it is time to venture externally. 

  • “Job ads are difficult to do.” With the way people consume content nowadays, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd. It is not enough to have a flashy poster that says “POSITION FOR HIRE” and expect to get a slew of responses. You must be able to define what you want, and ensure that you specify the qualities you want in a candidate. (Also read: Now That Facebook Jobs is Leaving, Here Are 5 Smart Moves for Hirers) But if you are not skilled in Photoshop or editing tools, you may feel at a loss. How do you move forward? Bust the myth: Luckily, there are portals for you to do the search with ease and convenience. Our LiteAd program can help you out, for starters. It has a built-in template maker for you to input what ad you want to promote, as well as a huge database of candidates waiting for their big fish. Utilize these portals to your benefit and you are on your way to getting the right talent for the job. 

  • “There is such a thing as the perfect candidate.” We all dream of the perfect person to waltz in and become a great addition to the team. They reach all the targets, require minimal to no supervision, and make no mistakes at all. Sorry to burst your manic pixie dream girl bubble, but no perfect candidate exists. Like it or not, everyone comes with imperfections, and you cannot wish perfection on anyone. (Also read: How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person? Here Are 5 Ways Per Recruitment Step) Bust the myth: However, delight in the “right fit” candidate. This refers to the person that ticks most of the boxes and seamlessly integrates themselves into the company and its values. In order to find this, you must be able to specify what you wish in a candidate and see if that professional is the missing piece in your company puzzle. 

Find the right candidate for the job today by using Talent Search. Then visit our Insights page to get the latest tips on talent recruitment and retention. If you are a first-time registrant, open an account and begin your journey with us here.

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