Hiring Advice Hiring process How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person? Here Are 5 Ways Per Recruitment Step
How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person? Here Are 5 Ways Per Recruitment Step

How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person? Here Are 5 Ways Per Recruitment Step

As a recruiter, you would always find yourself asking this question: How to avoid hiring the wrong person? Well, we are here to let you know that this is a normal feeling to imbibe. 

Believe us when we say there is no perfect candidate. This truth merely addresses the fallibility of humans, whether it be from the jobseeker’s or the employer’s end. Each one comes with their own strengths and opportunities to improve. 

As an employer, finding the right fit for your company is a tricky game to play. Contrary to popular belief, it is more than just scanning through a roster of resumes. It is determining whether a person is a good choice to fill the position. 

Ultimately, there will be one who will stand out from the pack. You will feel proud, you will feel accomplished. This jobseeker is a match made in heaven and their beliefs align with yours. Moreover, they have riddled you with promises of their expertise benefitting you. It is music to your ears and you urge this person to start right away. 

But what happens if the person does a 180 and shows you their true colors? As you mull over subpar work and missed deadlines, the realization hits you cold and fast. “Did I hire the wrong person?”

Also read: What’s your Recruitment Style? Take the Quiz Today

What is the true cost of hiring the wrong person?

Companies who are desperate to fill a position usually get roped into this mess. Sometimes, the mistake just has to exist. In turn, companies have to adjust accordingly to stand for their decision. Certain employers take disciplinary action, but others just ride it out. 

But recruiting the wrong person is more than just making a choice. There are certain costs to that, and finances could be a big chunk. Forbes shares that hiring a bad egg sets a CEO almost $100k (Php 5.02M) back. In the same article, the biggest effect of a bad hire is contagious disengagement. 

What does that mean? There is always that bad egg who spoils the bunch. You’d be lucky if you have a solid team that ignores naysayers. But what if some of your team members get swayed? More than that, the good ones end up compensating for the lack of the bad. What happens then? These people get burned out. So you end up with a downward trend in employee morale and productivity. 

More than that, disengagement contributes to habit. It is like a Simon Says parlor game without the fun. When one is counter-productive, the others follow eventually. Even if you let go of that said person, the behavior continues. Another employer shares that it costs a lot to reset the mindset. 

It is time to recruit right

So how do you avoid this at the start? Interview processes are still not enough to spot the wrong. But luckily, there are ways to nip that in the bud. 

Before we share them with you, there is something important to note. It is still crucial to list down the qualities you want in an employee. Not only that, you have to make the job scope clear so that their KPIs are spread out in black and white. This helps wipe out the bad eggs at the starting line. 

Trusting your gut is also great advice. Remember that this is different from listening to your bias. Your intuition is built on what you think is right. On the other hand, your biases come from your ego. 

If that still is not enough, we have five red flags to share. They are broken down throughout the recruitment process for your convenience.

Resume Screening A ton of achievements slapped onto one document still merits a double check. Background investigations count, but how do you spot an alert level here? We have two. 

  1. Grammar Mistakes 

A little misspell is not cause for alarm. But if it is all over a jobseeker’s resume, it may be time for a double-take. It is less the mistake itself than the quantity of it. The latter most likely shows that such jobseekers are not detail-oriented, and could be risky to most industries. 

You could also check how your interviewee formats their resume. If it is messy and all over the place, this is a sign to put it aside. Not all of us are expert layout artists. But if they cannot put together a clean resume, it reflects a lot on their organization skills as well. 

  1. Decreasing Work Responsibilities

An indicative mark of a good employee is an increase in duties. This may be a rise in workload or a promotion, proudly displayed on the resume. But if you see that responsibilities are going downhill as the years go by, do not overlook this. A person with decreasing work responsibilities better have a good explanation. But in usual cases, such situations only occur if the person is regressing at work.

Interview Process Putting on a show comes easy to most people, and hirees are prime examples. It is easy to please an employer, especially if jobseekers have the charm down pat. Luckily, there are two ways to spot the not and avoid getting swayed:

  1. Skipping interview appointments

Even before they make it to the door, chuck them out already. A good excuse is understandable because some events are out of our control. But if they become a no-show to your interview or reschedule multiple times, it is time to rethink. With the technological advancements we have now, it is near impossible not to send a notification. Whether it be them sharing a late notice or whatnot, there are no excuses here.

Employees who are excited about the job show up. More than that, they come on the dot. So you can pencil this in as a lack of passion too. 

  1. Interview Answer Watchouts

In addition to being wary of interview no-shows, be on the lookout for these interview answers.

2.a Playing The Victim Conflicts are common in the workplace and your jobseeker could have been a victim. But there is a difference between a real one and another who merely puts the blame on others. People who have experienced office warfare usually make it out with lessons learned. More than that, they share how they turned such a situation around. 

On the other hand, disgruntled interviewees tend to complain more. They hated the job, they hated the environment, and they did not like their boss. While bosses can be good or bad, it is important that jobseekers phrase this well. If they talk smack about their old company, chances are they will do the same to you in other interviews. 

2.b Vague Answers Unless the question was phrased poorly, jobseekers should always have a clear and concise answer to your questions. If they have unclear responses about contributions, roles, and follow-up questions, note these as red flags. Jobseekers should know what to answer about what they have done previously, and what their successes are. If you ask them about mistakes, they can own up and be accountable. Not just that, they can provide solutions to such conflicts and share them with you in a transparent manner. 

Also read: Know How To Ask More Inclusive Job Interview Questions

Evaluation Congratulations! This jobseeker has made it to the final round. But did you know that red flags still pop up here? At this point, it is between a final offer and a final rejection. Where do you head to? Take this last tip for size. 

  1. No Character References While these may be optional, doing a little digging will still help you. This is the portion most companies seem to overlook. It is not enough to depend on the interview for a full evaluation. References can still provide a chance for you to sway your vote. 

Aside from that, interviewees who refuse to provide may be hiding something. They may even respond along the lines of, “They do not determine my worth.” While prejudices should be left at the door, a good word still makes the difference. In essence, a bad word will also leave a lot to say. Such can help save you from a future unwanted cost. 

Aside from the methods above, you can also remember the bad seeds through comments on their resumes. Make notes when necessary through this program so that you know the red flags from the start. 

Do not ignore the signs

Employees are an investment. It takes a good amount of money and time to train the right people to benefit your company. Do not waste your opportunity to hire the right one because you were too eager to fill an empty post. Remember that a bad egg produces spoiled work and such behavior is malignant to your company. Be patient and wait for the fit you have been looking for. It may take a while, but it is worth the search. 

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