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Know How To Ask More Inclusive Job Interview Questions

Know How To Ask More Inclusive Job Interview Questions

Inclusivity is a word we often hear around us. But what does inclusivity actually mean? Inclusion is about the presence of different genders, races, religions, and age groups in one place. And all of them are given equal importance. 

According to the Global Talent Survey for work trends in 2021, candidates prefer businesses that have inclusivity and diversity in the work environment. And we build this by choosing the right employees from the moment of hiring. With this being said, how to ask inclusive job interview questions?

By asking specific questions during the interview, you can better gauge how a jobseeker values this--and provide a glimpse into the culture of your company.

In this article, we share 10 examples of questions to ask during the interview process, but first let’s briefly discuss what it means to have a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Diversity and Inclusivity in the Philippine Setting

In addition to inclusion, diversity is also a valued principle. These two usually go hand in hand. But diversity is the representation of different groups in the workplace. While inclusion moves a step forward by ensuring that there is a balance in the contribution of ideas. Furthermore, it provides opportunities and safe spaces for all.

However, it is unfortunate that there are groups that enjoy more privileges than others, This in turn can impact the work opportunties of groups such as women, PWDs, senior individuals, and LGBTQAI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Queer, Intersex and Asexual and others that fall under the umbrella). 

But over the years, we have seen a rise in advocacy for inclusivity and diversity. It is just a matter of time and soon business and society will see a conversion.

The more recently established companies and forward thinkers have inclusivity in their business principles. Clearly, these woke citizens are more equal in their dealings. But unfortunately in the Philippines, more work needs to be done to support this basic right. For example, the SOGIE bill that gives importance and protection to the LGBTQIA+ and the other less powerful groups is still pending approval in both congress and the senate. 

So why should we make inclusivity and diversity a norm in our workplace?

In the survey conducted by JobStreet and Boston Consulting Group for work trends of 2021, Diversity and Inclusivity are one of the top 3 things that matter to Filipino job seekers.

And there are a host of great reasons to be a more inclusive workplace. Check out this list of the benefits:

  • personal growth among employees

  • increase in opportunities for self-improvement

  • wide range of skills among employees

  • creation of happy and healthy spaces

  • a rise in employee productivity

  • more innovative and progressive solutions for busines

  • better and brighter ideas from employees

  • loyalty and less employee turnover

In this light, jobseekers are aware of what they are looking for in a workplace. To find the best employees for your business, be all-embracing, be a fair boss and ask the right questions. With this on hand, add the following questions below when interviewing applicants. And you are on your way to finding your corporate champions.

Read also: It’s More Than the Brand! What Filipino Millennial/Gen Y Talents Really Look For in a Job

10 questions to include in your job interviews.

#1. What personal values are most important for you?  This is a very telling question that will help you discover the priorities of your interviewee. Furthermore, it will also give your interviewee a chance to self-examine. It will also be best to ask for a specific number of values, like their top 3 or 5.

#2. What is the ideal workplace for you? And as a follow-up, what work culture are you most comfortable working in?  This will give you an insight into the dream work situation of the candidate. Does he/she consider gender equality important? Does he/she value nature and the environment? What kind of relationship does he/she care to build with workmates and superiors?

#3. What is diversity and inclusion for you? In addition, how is it related to this position job you are applying for? The initial question will give you an idea of how your interviewee views these two principles. In addition, you will know if the interviewee's perspective is aligned with your perspective as a company.

The follow-up question will determine how deep this principle is lived by the interviewee. You will know if inclusion and diversity are just a passing idea that he/she is aware of. Or a principle the applicant consciously applies in her/his life. This is a question that will determine if the applicant will fit well into your workplace.

#4. As a potential employee of the company, what would make you feel more included?  The replies given by your interviewee will show his/her personal side. In addition to this information, you will know his/her challenges, especially if the individual belongs to any particular group (queers, trans, PWD, etc). Furthermore, if personal issues arise, you may ask if he/she has suggested solutions.

#5. Have you helped in building an inclusive community? If yes, please share with me how you did it. This will show you if your candidate is an active believer in the ideal. Or it will tell if he/she is just using the issue to move forward in job seeking. Specific examples of personal experience will shine with this question.

These first 5 questions will show the jobseeker's cultural beliefs. And the bottom line of these questions is to find your applicant’s overall motivation and goals. Remember, what he/she says is as telling as what he/she does not say.

#6. Describe an example in your previous work experience where you have worked with diverse populations or communities? Exposure to different communities and personalities is a good thing. If you are building a team for your business, this kind of open-mindedness and experience on the part of the jobseeker will add value to your product or service.

#7. Describe an incident where you helped fix an issue related to diversity and inclusion. This will reveal your applicant’s principles as well as his/her determination. How one tackles problems and how he/she resolves them. Because a strong person with values in its proper place is a keeper.

#8. In your experience, what are the challenges of working in a diverse environment?  This will further show you the applicant's culture and past experiences. Her/his challenges will point out an issue which the applicant may be trying to resolve within her/him or around them.

#9. In the past, how did you handle colleagues with different backgrounds?  Is the applicant accepting and willing to learn from these differences? Or is he/she uninvolved? What relationship did he/she have with co-workers with different backgrounds? Find out all these as the applicant answers your question. Furthermore, you will discover if the applicant is willing to work in a diverse and inclusive environment. 

#10. How would you handle a colleague who is being sexist, racist, culturally insensitive, or homophobic?  The applicant’s solution to a violation of rights is valuable information. This will reveal a strength or weakness in character. Furthermore, this question will also make your applicant think in advance about how to deal with it if the situation arises. An incident like this may happen in the workplace at any time. Asking this question in a job interview will show your applicant how you handle workplace reality.

Add these hiring questions in your next job interview; and adopt a more diverse and inclusive work culture. Create a balance of people from different gender, backgrounds, and cultures. And watch as your company grows into a healthy, happy, and progressive workplace.

For more insights in job hiring visit JobStreet’s Laws of Attraction. And update your company profile here at Jobstreet.

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