Market Insights Employment and salary trends Knowledge management and stepback leadership – A forgotten treasure
Knowledge management and stepback leadership – A forgotten treasure

Knowledge management and stepback leadership – A forgotten treasure

By: Henry John Nueva, CLSSYB

Learning and Organization Development Practitioner

Every single person on this planet has needs, realization, and value, and each of us has various beliefs and prioritization to satisfy those. This, I believe, is what becomes the driving force behind why we do what we do.

Knowledge is very powerful, especially when putting it into practice. With the knowledge economy comes a growing demand that pushes education to foster new capabilities and disposition. These include the integration of change responsiveness, embracing technological understanding, developing critical cognizance, and design thinking that crosses boundaries like discipline and culture.

During my (10) ten years of practice in learning and development, I realize that when strategically combining people, processes and technology will result in a powerful "Knowledge Management" that eventually solve current and future problems.

In today's new digital and diversified workplace, facilitating knowledge sharing is very important to everyone. One of the reasons why we do what we do is to promote retention and access to knowledge that can be used by our future leaders in producing sustainable and fair solutions. I certainly believe that when a person is not part of the solution, he or she is probably part of the problem.

As a Filipino Muslim, Islam instituted to us the importance of knowledge thousands of years ago. Our faith has made seeking knowledge incumbent upon us and has deemed that not doing so is a sin. In fact, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim" (Al-Tirmidhi)

This obligation is not limited to a certain degree, gender, or class, but rather it is as much as an obligation to everyone – the young and the old, the poor, and the rich.

Knowledge is one of the pillars of learning and development that helps individuals to meet their goals. It is also a key to build and improve new skills that make individuals capable, more efficient, and productive on his works.

As a learning and development practitioner, I always want to discover and learn something new every day. I want to speak more with others, read constantly, manage information, investigate and mentor future leaders. I want to make every effort to improve my expertise and keep abreast of the latest developments in my profession.

All of us can become a good leader and contribute to society's development. It's just a matter of choosing the best style. With that, I chose to become a Stepback Leader.

About the Writer: Henry John Nueva, popularly known as Yahya N, is a moderator of HR Shouts and Whispers community. He spent years advocating innovative, professional, and sustainable programs while promoting long-term solutions by means of comprehensive Talent Management and Organization Development Strategies. This blueprint helps individuals, organizations, and businesses positioned their platforms and requirements while embracing the spirit of integrity, innovation, creativity, peace, and growth. He is also a six sigma certified professional and author of several published instructional and training materials. A technical and leadership training consultant for various successful organizations.

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