Hiring Advice Attracting candidates When it comes to hiring young talents, it's purpose over profit
When it comes to hiring young talents, it's purpose over profit

When it comes to hiring young talents, it's purpose over profit

It is no doubt that the Millennials and Gen Z are attached to the information that is at the tip of their fingers. Their vast knowledge allows them to be more outspoken and honest and to stand up for what's right--and no, this is not "entitlement," this is the fruit of their genuine concern to make lives better. Nowadays, their influence in the workforce speaks volumes.

And as employers, you too can help perpetuate this attitude in the workplace for the greater good. But how can you bridge the barrier between these unique mindsets with traditional work culture?

Communication is key in building relationships. This proves true in hirer-candidate or employer-employee engagement. However, one of the challenges at the forefront of recruitment these days is how to influence the perception of up-and-coming Filipino talents.

Communication as a recruitment challenge Poor communication has often been created by a discrepancy between the employer's job proposal and the young candidates' distinct aspirations; between the company's business culture and the young employees' work values. This is usually brought about by an employer's lack of understanding of the uniqueness of the younger professionals.

To close the gap, communication's role in recruitment should be defined, not only by how the message is conveyed, but by the nature of the message itself. Employers need to step back and assess what matters to the Philippines' emerging talent pool, what their distinct inclinations are, and what priorities they deem relevant to effectively connect and have long-lasting relationship with them.

Know who you are talking to Today's workforce is almost evenly divided between experienced seniors and their junior counterparts. Results of the 2018 Philippine census indicate that the country’s workforce for Gen Y is at 61% out of the 28% total labor force according to the census. While the youngest group being the Gen Z (18-23), makes up 15% out of the 18% of the total labor force. And although the Gen X employees certainly rate higher than Gen Z with 23%, in total there are about 76% of young professionals in the current workforce.


The multigenerational workplace has been the center of conversation with much media frenzy on the fledgling generations being "entitled", "narcissistic", and "shallow". But are they really?

Young talents are not entitled after all Filipino youth are technologically empowered idealists–life hackers who are critical of the decisions they make and driven by their intrinsic desire to solve the problems of society and the planet.

Empirical data generated from the Jobstreet's Laws of Attraction (LOA) survey of over 18,000 Filipino candidates point that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very relevant to Filipino talents.


Their preferences can be strongly influenced by ethical practices that resonate with their value conscientiousness. Their high expectations may have been misunderstood as entitlement, but it's actually about finding their place in the world.

Your company should, therefore, convey a compelling message that it is defined by purpose, not just profit.

Here are some helpful tips making CSR the anchor of your value proposition to young talents.

Speak to your industry Some key drivers may appeal more to specific industry candidates than others. For instance, pay scale is critical for those in Finance and IT, while talents in Government value job security more. Spotlight can help you find out which candidates identify themselves with causes and advocacies so you can tap into their desire.

Retail/merchandise, food & beverage, and agribusiness are some of the fields in which their professionals gave a high importance to CSR. They are looking for profitable companies that give high priority to the health and safety of its people, promote sustainability, and performs environment-friendly practices.



Express your care for people and community Human social responsibility was coined to encourage businesses to shift focus from the organization to its workforce and stakeholders. The comparative results on LOA Data Lab's Generations category emphasize that while Gen Z is driven by CSR more than Gen Y (6.0% versus 4.3%), both have the strongest preference for companies that value its people assets and contribute to the community. 73.7% of Gen Z respondents believe this is a "must", while 66.2% of millennial respondents share the same sentiments.



Putting people at the heart of the organization can significantly improve engagement and retention of young talents. It eliminates barriers and creates an enterprise driven by people and social interaction. SMEs appeal to young talents because they champion their people as agents of good who are giving to society while doing what they care about.


Be an influencer of sustainability and environmental conservation

A lot of companies have been "going green" but being environmentally responsible goes beyond "greenwashing" or claiming to be environment-friendly. Consistency is key.


72.7% of Gen Z and 64.5% of millennial respondents assert their preference for employers that value and protect the environment. Adopting a sustainability program–from eliminating plastic to using renewable energy–and ingraining it into your company's culture will create a strong statement that can motivate your younger targets. Integrating green practices in your supply chain and daily operations will catalyze a mindset shift, instill pride, and build an admirable brand reputation.

Make young talents listen by driving the right message. Visit the Laws of Attraction Spotlight and Data Lab, compare generations, and differentiate your company with CSR.

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