Hiring Advice Hiring process Tips from a recruiter: Job interview dos and don’ts
Tips from a recruiter: Job interview dos and don’ts

Tips from a recruiter: Job interview dos and don’ts

By Lorenz Aimee Mutia Moderator, HR Shouts and Whispers FB Community

Job hunting for most people is indeed a lot of work. Aside from looking into prospective employers, another thing to definitely take into consideration would be attending the job interview. As a recruiter, I have had my fair share of doing interviews and joining my hiring managers in doing it. It’s a daunting task sifting through a lot of resumes and true, applicants and hiring specialists alike must create a good impression.

You can get more tips in handling difficult questions in our webinar, “Art of Communication” with sales, marketing and HR communication experts. Here’s the link https://youtu.be/QjDzUY5nx8c

What can make you stand out among hundreds of applicants vying for the same role?

  1. Be ready. From the things that you will bring such as pens and extra resume, also get ready to put your best foot forward with an appropriate attire. Don’t forget to bring your best smile, practice doing interviews at home and be ready to highlight the skills that you have that matches the job opening. 

  2. Do research. Make sure that you know how to get on site or prepare your laptop and internet connections (since most interviews are being done online). Also check the company website and the actual job description of the role. Knowing what you will do and how it will impact the company will put you in the best position. Finally, if you do have the name of the interviewer, best to check out his/her professional profile. 

  3. Don’t forget to ask questions about the role. In my personal opinion, best to ask the hiring manager if why the role is vacant, what’s the company culture like, who will you report to and how can you succeed in the role. This shows your interest level and will help you gauge if this is something that stirs up motivation. Shy away from discussing the salary during initial interviews. Negotiations will come once discussions on salary offer have been introduced by the recruiter. *wink*

What if you are the hiring manager? How will you filter out the right candidate?

  1. Review the candidates’ resumes and the job description for the post. You are in the best position to determine the most qualified   applicants who will fill the vacancy because you can compare, match and rank the selection of submitted resumes according to the job requirements.  

  2. Ask the relevant questions. I heard numerous cringe-worthy stories from friends, family members and colleagues on some interview questions that made them uncomfortable at some point. Stay away from leading questions on topics what might not be required for the post, such as age, marital status, religion and sexual orientation. Oh, and don’t forget to ask all the candidates the same basic questions, in order to avoid biases. Your goal is to check if they are the fit, and there are scenarios where unconscious bias hinder you from selecting the right person. 

  3. Be prepared to answer questions. Always remember that you represent the company as a prospective employer to these candidates. Be familiar with the company benefits, your organization’s structure and how are you as the manager of this person. Bear in mind that it’s a candidate-driven market, and this will also help amp up your employer brand. 

Think of attending job interviews like dating. It can be tedious and taxing at some point, but at the end of the day, finding the perfect candidate and employer will benefit both sides in the long run. 

About the author:   Lorenz Aimee Mutia is a Certified Human Resource Professional, and a moderator of the HR Shouts and Whispers Community. She has hired for BPO, Sales, Finance, IT and C-Level talents. Aside from this, she has also worked on talent market research, employer branding and how can managers select the best candidates by improving their interviewing skills.  

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