Hiring Advice Engaging your workforce Retain Your Top Talent Post-COVID
Retain Your Top Talent Post-COVID

Retain Your Top Talent Post-COVID

More than a year into the pandemic, work-from-home employees not only had to balance office and home duties in the same space. They have become increasingly aware of what they value in their work long-term and ultimately staying in jobs that will let them achieve true work-life balance.

And if their current work cannot provide that flexibility, especially as companies move into the hybrid workplace, resigning from one’s job becomes a more than welcome option. In fact, resignations are happening already, as more employees realize that work can be achieved from anywhere and cost savings can be gained from skipping the daily commute to work. Fortune reports that “employers worldwide are entering the most tumultuous turnover environment in memory.”

To retain talent, it’s important to understand these motivations them to stay in their roles and not resign from the company. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed what motivates employees. 

According to part two of the Decoding Global Talent Survey, conducted by Jobstreet together with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Network, Filipino employees have embraced new ways of working. They now value working remotely or a hybrid of it, as compared to reporting on site. The survey also reveals shifts in values such as prioritizing job security, work relationships, and even social and environmental responsibility.

In the infographic below, we share key insights from the report, which you can download for free today, and what you can do to better align your company with employee values and ultimately earn their loyalty, in the post-pandemic workplace and beyond.


Three Tips on How To Motivate Your Employees to Stay in a Post-COVID Job Market 

Build a culture of multi-faceted leadership According to the Decoding Global Talent Report, leaders in the post-COVID workplace must be able to use their head, heart, and hands. When working with remote employees, building trust without micromanaging remote employees will be vital to retaining talent. Moreover, leaders must harness technology to support virtual work as companies work towards bionic organizations that combine human capability and automation.

Decide on a working strategy that works best for all. Jobstreet’s findings show that 97% expect to work completely or partially remotely after COVID-19 – but managers may not be ready to handle this new change in the workplace. Balance your employees’ preferences with productivity needs by carefully considering the tasks and activities they are required to perform, and how a remote working scheme will affect their morale.

Encourage virtual connections. Camaraderie and positive workplace relationships boost working dispositions. Encourage them to socialize and interact more often by formalizing recreational activities – consider doing Game Night Fridays, Coffee Tuesdays, as well as a water cooler thread where employees can talk about anything under the sun.

Be thoughtful about your compensation. The uncertainties of the COVID-19 workplace have led Filipinos to value job security. In the context of providing security of income, consider the following. Instead of a one-size-fits-all pay scheme, assess the individual talents and capabilities of an employee, as well as their potential contributions to the workplace so you can meet halfway.

For more detailed insights on how Filiinos view a post-COVID-19 workplace and other strategies you can employ to retain talent, download the Decoding Global Talent report that contains exclusive findings on how people want to work, so you can attract the right people for the #JobsThatMatter and get started on your recovery plans.

At Jobstreet, we believe in bringing you #JobsThatMatter. As a Career Partner, we are committed to helping all jobseekers find passion and purpose in every career choice. And as the number 1 Talent Partner in Asia, we connect employers with the right candidates who truly make a positive and lasting impact on the organisation. 

Discover Jobs That Matter. Visit Jobstreet today.

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